Black Desire (A Kelly Black Affair Book 1) Read online

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  I dropped my robe and let it fall to the floor, quick to notice my nipples were already tight with arousal. The thoughts of that man had me hot and bothered all over again.

  He had some nerve to treat me the way he did. When most men would apologize and pick up their own phones they dropped, he demanded I be the one to pick up his. Like it was my fault. It was clear he was a man who got off on telling others what to do. The balls—

  My sex clenched and I hated myself for thinking—maybe even hoping—that he could be my date tonight.

  I slipped on a thong and strapless bra before moving through the house. I checked the time, tossed a few essentials into my clutch, and stepped into my dress last. One last glance at the clock, and I was ahead of schedule.

  The Madam’s words rang between my ears on how to be a good obedient woman. I knew where she was coming from and understood the agreement we had in place. This was her show.

  She was right about that, but being a good obedient woman was never my thing. I liked testing authority, pushing people’s buttons, and seeing the surprised look on people’s faces when I shocked them with my take-no-prisoner attitude that didn’t match up with my small frame.

  I didn’t know what people expected, but that was who I was. Take it or leave it. Kendra Williams didn’t put up with shit. I’d learned early on that this world was unfair and if I wasn’t careful, people would take advantage of me for one reason or another.

  My phone dinged with another message and I hoped it was Alex.

  Except it wasn’t. “Girl, where are you?” I said, reading my message telling me that my Uber driver was on his way.

  I didn’t like not hearing from her. I’d put in a call earlier, then messaged her, and still hadn’t heard back. Something was up and I hoped that she was okay. This wasn’t like her to not at least hit me back with a stupid emoji or something.

  I locked up my apartment, took the short elevator ride down to ground level, and knew from experience that my ride would be already waiting by the time I got to him.

  Alex had me worried so I called, not willing to wait any longer. “Hey, babe.” She picked up on the first ring.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been waiting to hear back from you.”

  “Sorry. Nash just left.”

  I could feel her hot cheeks blushing through the phone and I was sure he just sexed her up real good. “I hope it was worth it.”

  “I’m lonely already.”

  “Ew, barf.” I stuck my finger down my throat for effect.

  “What? He’s going to be gone for two weeks and I hate it when I can’t see him every day.”

  I rolled my eyes and rounded the next block, picking up the pace. Alex must have heard me breathing hard because she asked if I was jogging. “Briskly walking,” I said.

  “Where you going? Anywhere fun?”

  “This girl has a date tonight.”

  “Are you still getting picked up two blocks from your building?”

  “I am. So what?”

  “The world isn’t as dark as some people want you to believe.”

  “And this is coming from the woman who was kidnapped.”

  “I survived.”

  The outcome could have been so different, but I wasn’t about to remind her of that seeing how I was the one taking all the risks now. “What’s it matter, anyway? I like to keep my secrets and there’s no way I’d get picked up in front of my place. Too many creeps in this city.”

  “See? That’s what I’m talking about.”

  “So they meet on my terms, terms the Madam has no problem with me having.”

  “Oh, I gotta go,” Alex said frantically. “Nash is on the line.”

  “Didn’t you just say goodbye?”

  “Call you later.” She ended the call.

  Ring a big freakin’ dong.

  Alex was losing her mind with that man. He had a big dick and a sizable bank account but I still thought she should have waited longer to tell him that she loved him.

  I finally worked my way through the group of people and saw that my ride was waiting. As soon as I slid into the car I recognized the same eyes from earlier today. “Hey, it’s you again,” I said, closing the door.

  “You’re a busy lady.” His eyes smiled as he glanced in his mirror before beginning to drive.

  “A working girl.”

  “And me, a working man.” He laughed.

  “Should I be worried about you?”

  “I’m in good health, have good eyes, and am always smiling. What is there to worry about?”

  “You’re not from around here, are you?”


  “What’s Africa like? Is it as hot as they say?”

  “Hotter,” he said making us both laugh.

  I was thankful for having him drive me again. He was friendly and made the ride enjoyable. We were downtown and parked outside the restaurant before I knew it. “Maybe we’ll meet again,” I said, stepping out.

  “I hope so.”

  I watched him drive away, wishing I caught his name so maybe I could request him again the next time I needed a lift.

  “You must be Kendra,” a friendly voice said behind me.

  I turned to find a tall, handsome man heading my way. He was attractive for being significantly older than me—not that age mattered. Perhaps it was the tux he was wearing or the silver hair. Either way, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little disappointed to learn my date wasn’t going to be the man from earlier. “And you are…?”

  “Your date for the evening.” He gripped my shoulders and leaned in to kiss my cheeks.

  “Does my date have a name?”

  “Oscar.” He held out his arm and I hooked mine in the crook of his. “Oscar Buchanan.”

  The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. We walked to the entrance and he kept stealing approving glances at me. “Your name, it sounds familiar.”

  He stopped walking, angled his head down, and gave me an intent look. “Have I prosecuted you?”

  “So,” my eyes narrowed, “you’re a lawyer?”

  “District Attorney.” He flashed a knowing grin at the same time he opened the doors. The smells of meat grilling and onions frying hit my senses and made my stomach grumble. Immediately, I knew that tonight was going to be one for the taking. I’d suck his credit card dry, then if he was lucky, I’d milk him for everything he was worth. But the real question was, what would this elected official want in return?



  Giselle slid into the back of my SUV, joining me in the backseat, and buckled her belt. “I have to admit, Kelly, your sense of fashion is quite good. You really know how to make a woman feel beautiful.”

  “You look lovely,” I said, smiling at the gown I had chosen for her to wear.

  A blush crept across her cheeks as she turned her head to look out the window. It was dusk, on its way to night, and we headed downtown with my driver, Maxwell, at the wheel. Not a minute could be wasted in my line of work and more times than not, this was a more perfect time than any to get caught up or prepare for what was ahead.

  “I’m sorry for having to drag you away from your boyfriend again.” My hand crossed the middle seat and came to rest on hers.

  Giselle didn’t flinch when I squeezed it; rather, she turned her head to face me and gave me a sympathetic smile under hooded eyes. “He’ll learn to forgive me.”

  “If there is anything I can do to make it up to him…” I rubbed my freshly shaven face, feeling somewhat guilty for always pulling Giselle into work.

  “Let’s not talk about it,” she whispered as I brought my hand back to rest on my own thigh.

  We both retreated back into our heads, letting our silence fill the car as my stomach hardened with a sense of remorse toward the demands this job created. I’d seen it happen before in my own life. Giselle’s eyes weren’t too different f
rom a woman I once loved. The pain, with a dash of regret, was there. Our line of work was strenuous, full of stress, and often times reminded us daily of the dark world that surrounded us all. Like this murder case that had hit our desks recently.

  I stared at the back of Giselle’s head as she watched the world pass us by outside.

  Our work was difficult—as was the case for many demanding professions—to shed at the end of the day and regularly followed us into our own homes and into the arms of the ones we loved. Some of us were able to make it work, but for most of us, it was the reason why we were single.

  Giselle caught me staring and I gave her a quick reassuring smile.

  I didn’t want this life for her. She was young, with a lifetime of promise ahead. From the way she spoke, I could hear the strain, feel the hurt tensing her muscles, and hoped that our job—her choice of profession—wasn’t damaging her relationship with John the same way it had to me with a woman I’d given my heart to. John was a good man. He loved her and I knew she loved him more than anything, too. Well, except maybe her job. That was where she and I were both flawed. The job always came first, no matter what.

  “Any word from Sylvia since she handed off the original file of photos?” She pulled her cell out from her purse and opened an email.

  I shook my head. “Gone completely quiet.”

  “Don’t you think that’s weird?” She quickly glanced at me, back to her usual self.

  My shoulders shrugged. “My guess is that she’s found another story to report on until this one gains some steam.”

  “Makes sense.” She squinted her eyes and read the text that populated her screen. “Julia Mabel is aware of the case but didn’t know that Sylvia Neil was our source.”

  “See if Julia has any information on any other cold cases of missing women.”

  “Would her publisher have that kind of information?”

  “Only if it involves a celebrity.” I cast my gaze out the window, realizing we were close to the restaurant. Giselle was typing up an email to Julia when I said, “Then we can match those against the police case files of missing persons, see if there is any correlation.”

  “Yeah, of course.” Her thumbs busily swiped across her screen.

  “I need to know what we’re working with here. I can’t have any surprises come flying at me, threatening to knock me off my feet the deeper we go in this case.”

  Maxwell parked in front of the restaurant and opened Giselle’s door, assisting her out of the vehicle. I met them on the other side and told Maxwell I’d see him in a couple hours. He nodded once and slid back behind the wheel.

  “But we don’t even know who did this,” Giselle said as we stepped up to the restaurant’s entrance.

  I dug my heels in and stopped, clamping my hands tightly around her arms. “Then find out,” I said firmly, in a low voice so others nearby couldn’t hear me.

  She drew back, making herself appear smaller than she was, and nodded. “I’ll do what I can.”

  We stepped inside to the sounds of meat sizzling on the grill tucked somewhere in the back. Vegetables sizzled just behind the laughter and conversation. My stomach grumbled at the smells and I couldn’t wait to finally get some food in my system. I was starved, having not eaten since lunch.

  “Mr. Black.” The hostess stepped forward, recognizing me. “Right this way. Your guests are waiting.”

  I followed two steps behind with Giselle on my arm. I liked arriving last, making my guests wait for me, instead of me having to kill time waiting for them. Though this meeting was cordial, I couldn’t appear to be weak in front of my colleague.

  We weaved through a dozen tables heading toward the back when I found his gaze on me in a sea of faces. The District Attorney was alone and I smiled. He returned my smile, and I knew the reason why he returned it. I had Giselle by my side.

  He absolutely loved Giselle. Oscar had his eyes all over her, and I swore that with the way he was looking at her now, she’d be left wearing nothing if he had his way by the time we were seated. And that was why I had her in that dress. It was the right color. His color. From the way it caught the light and showed off her amazing natural cleavage to the slit up her thigh. It was a bombshell and she looked stunning. And with it on, she could persuade even a man like him to commit a crime.

  Then everything came to a crashing halt when I saw who came up from behind Oscar, choosing the seat next to him. “Oh, shit,” I mumbled.

  Giselle looked up and gave me a questioning look when she realized I’d stopped dead in my tracks. “Everything all right?”

  I swallow hard, straightened my jacket, and rolled my shoulders back. “Fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Her brows squished together.

  “Yeah. Please,” I said, holding my hand out in front, motioning for her to take the lead. It was just that I wasn’t expecting to see her here with the DA. Now I knew tonight was going to be interesting.

  “If it wasn’t for Giselle joining you tonight,” the DA stood, “I’m not sure I’d be so happy to see you, Kelly.”

  We shook hands. “It’s always a pleasure, even when it’s not.” I angled my head toward his date and winked at the short woman who had me hard.

  After the Madam ensured me she wasn’t available, I didn’t know how I’d find a way to see her again. Then, out of the blue, the heavens opened up and put her at the same table as me tonight. What were the odds?

  “I’m glad you could join us,” Oscar said.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. There was a glimmer in her eye that was already cursing me for being the asshole she so easily labeled me as before. There was no doubt she recognized me and, once again, my ball sack was tightening under the flame burning in her sexy gaze. “Any excuse to bust your balls,” I said with a smirk, turning my attention back to Oscar.

  The DA had already moved on and turned his attention to Giselle, kissing her on each of her cheeks. “Do you two know each other?” he asked when he found me staring at his date again.

  “We’ve met.” My core flexed as I burned for her.

  “No, I don’t think we have.” She said it so convincingly, I almost believed her.

  “Well, then let me introduce you.” Oscar reached out to take her hand, pulling her up on her feet. “Kendra, this is Kelly Black, the city’s most ruthless criminal defense lawyer.”

  So, her name is Kendra, I thought to myself, making sure to give the DA a toast before our meal for that kind of introduction.

  “And his lovely assistant, Giselle.”

  I watched Kendra shake Giselle’s hand, letting them get their introductions out of their systems before moving on to my own. When they were done, I made my move, choosing to greet Kendra in the same fashion Oscar did Giselle. “It’s so good to see you again,” I whispered in her ear. Kendra flinched at my touch, but I wasn’t about to let go.

  “Wish I could say the same,” she murmured.

  My lips tugged at the corners. I loved her attitude and wondered if her bark came with a bite. “Don’t be naïve.” My fingers clamped tightly on her arm. “I know you’re one of Madam’s girls.” She pulled back and looked at me with wide eyes. “And you’re just waiting for me to tell you to bend over again.”

  Her eyes threw daggers as I stepped away, pulling a chair out for Giselle to sit in. I put her next to the DA so I could stay close to my new love affair, Kendra.

  Oscar glanced over at Kendra when his and Giselle’s conversation died down. I watched Kendra smile at him, beautifully maintaining face in the presence of scandal.

  “Kendra, if you ever find yourself on the wrong side of the law, Kelly Black is a great man to know.” Oscar laughed.

  When Kendra glanced at me, she held her chin high, waiting to see how I’d respond. Inside, I felt giddy for how easy it was for me to get under her skin. “You don’t seem like someone who has to worry,” I said, looking straight into Kendra’s beautiful fiery eyes.

  She brought her elbows on the table
and leaned forward. “I’m not one to follow the rules.”

  I bit my bottom lip, feeling my dick twitch against my pants. It was like she was tempting me, teasing me with subtle invitations. “Is that right?”

  “Oh, dear.” Oscar laughed. “I may have opened up the wrong can tonight.”

  Kendra’s elbows crossed over into my territory. “But I do consider myself a law-abiding citizen so I hope that after tonight we won’t ever have to see each other again.”

  Now I was rock hard. This woman had to be punished, and no doubt I’d be the one to lay down the law, teaching her how the world really worked.

  I watched Oscar’s hand move under the table over to her thigh. Beneath my side of the table, my fist clenched as jealousy burned in my chest. Despite the fact that he was with the woman I wanted, I couldn’t help myself from laughing at the irony of knowing the District Attorney was having to use an escort service like the Madam’s.

  “I heard your case settled today,” Oscar said, smiling at Giselle.

  “Are you surprised?” she said coyly.

  “Depends.” Oscar glanced at me.


  “On who was lead defender.”

  “I was,” Giselle said.

  “Then,” Oscar angled his head to Giselle, smiling, “no, I’m not. You’re the smart one.”

  “And that’s the reason your office signed off on it?” I asked, curious to hear his thoughts on granting my client the plea deal of a lifetime.

  “My office signed off on it because we have bigger fish to fry.”

  The waiter came to the table, opening a bottle of red wine Oscar had ordered before we arrived. When he got around to me, I covered my hand over my wine glass and said, “Just lemon water for me.” The waiter nodded and left.

  “Still not drinking, Kelly?”

  I turned to look at Giselle and she said, “Kendra, please join me in the powder room, will you?”

  Kendra looked at her date and Oscar nodded, giving her his approval.

  Together, we watched the women slowly disappear to the front of the restaurant. “She’s something, isn’t she?” Oscar said.

  “Aren’t you afraid of having your wife find out?”