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Black Desire (A Kelly Black Affair Book 1) Page 5

  “Kelly, darling, I’m not happy with you.”

  That was what made us good for each other. We balanced each other out, kept the other in check. Because if we didn’t, then it would be only a matter of time before both our worlds imploded. “Did you hear it from Oscar himself, or did Kendra tell you?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “I’m a man who likes facts.” I tapped the end of a pen against my notepad.

  “I explicitly told you that she wasn’t for sale.”

  “That’s why you gave me no choice but to steal her myself,” I said with a cocky smirk.

  The Madam huffed a quick laugh.

  “And now that I’ve had a taste, I want more.”

  “I’m sorry, Kelly, but I just don’t think that that’s possible.”

  “Why not?” My brows drew together.

  “She’s not a good match for you.”

  “We can argue this all day,” I said, starting to pace the room. “I’ll clear my schedule. But you and I both know that you’re full of shit and the only thing keeping her from me is you.”

  “My dear, calm yourself. It’s in her contract. The questionnaire you both filled out. She’s not willing to do the things you would like her to do.”

  I stopped pacing and glanced back to the cuffs on top of my desk. My mind was consumed with a dozen different thoughts but only one made sense. “She’s new to the lifestyle?”

  “I’m afraid so.” Madam’s words were compassionate, sympathetic even.

  Though I preferred my women to have experience, I could make an exception for her. She was no virgin, not with the way she carried a chip on her shoulder. But a BDSM virgin? I liked the sound of that and thought that I could be the one to train her. “I still want her.”

  “Kelly,” I could hear Madam shaking her head, “you’re not listening, dear.”

  “No. You’re not listening. I want her. Make it happen.”

  “She’s booked out. Still not for sale. End of discussion.” Madam’s voice firmed up. “Besides, there’s another angel that will be a better fit. Would you like me to introduce you to her? She’s definitely more of what you’re looking for.”

  I moved to my desk and trailed my finger around the circle of the cuff. There was only one woman I wanted to strap these to, and it had to be Kendra.

  Madam covered her phone with her hand and began talking to what sounded like Jerome’s voice.

  The second I closed my eyes, images of Kendra getting bound and fucked by me flashed behind my lids, getting me hard. It would be fun, I told myself. She’d make a great student, and when she talked back—which I knew she would—I’d find reason to punish her into being my perfect little submissive.

  The voices on the other end of the line got louder. Madam’s hand must have slipped from over the mic. Whatever they were discussing seemed urgent. I listened intently before Madam said, “Kelly, you do this small favor for me and—”

  “Kendra will be all mine.”

  “I guess you haven’t heard.”

  The muscles in my arms flexed. “Heard what?”

  My chest tightened as a flurry of mixed emotions worked its way over my entire body. I couldn’t help but feel that she was trying to use me for something, purposely redirecting the conversation in such a way that she maintained the upper hand.

  “There is a client who could use your representation.”

  “Is he already in the system?”

  “Oh, Kelly.” She chuckled. “First, you agree to do this favor for me, then I’ll tell you more.”

  “Don’t forget who you’re talking to. I can hear it in your voice. You need me more than I need you. Remember, Maddy—” I smiled, knowing using her first name would only piss her off, “—I’ve already made myself known to Kendra.”

  “Business is growing and with it, so will your cut.”

  I moved to the window, widened my stance, and tipped my chin back. Now I was sure she needed me more than I needed her. She needed me to make sure that everything was done properly—make it look lawful—so that her entire operation didn’t collapse. “Tell me more about this client.”

  Giselle walked into the room and I put the phone on speaker so she could hear.

  “Blake Stone,” Madam said. “Does that name ring a bell?”

  Giselle glanced at me. My brows pinched. This couldn’t be coincidence with the DA just asking me about him last night. I wondered how involved Kendra was and what role she was playing for the Madam. “What happened to his current representation?” I asked.

  “Apparently, the judge issued a mandatory withdrawal.”

  Giselle’s head dropped into her hand. My mind raced to find reason to why the judge would do that. “How do you know this?”

  “Oh, honey,” the Madam said smugly. “My girls date clients across the city. Word travel backs to me easily. I know everything.”

  I wasn’t all that surprised. I knew the Madam was the queen of gossip of all things interesting in LA, but now she had me wondering if she purposely placed Kendra with the DA just to see what she might be able to uncover.

  “Apparently his hired attorney is also a crucial witness relating to his own case so he had to go.”

  If Madam was right about anything today, it was that having a case like Blake Stone’s fall into my lap was big news. It would be the trial of the year. A high-profile case with more publicity than I could drum up myself.

  But there was a catch. I had to win. If I didn’t, my reputation would certainly lose.

  “I knew it,” I said as Giselle met my gaze and nodded once. “They were working together to advance his criminal enterprises.”

  “I’m not one to speculate,” Madam said. “So, do you want it or not?”

  “What’s your interest in his case, anyway?” I turned back toward the window. “And why me? How do you know he doesn’t already have representation?”

  “It’s not me who will be writing your checks, dear.”

  I turned to look at Giselle. She was giving me a questioning look. “So, if you’re not the one funding his representation, then why do you want me to defend him?”

  “Sweetie, I don’t want you to defend him.” I knew the Madam was smiling by the way she spoke. “I want you to get him convicted.”



  As soon as I stepped foot inside, Janine gave me a look like she knew what was coming.

  My stomach flipped over and I forced myself to hold my head a bit higher after seeing the look on her face. “Hi,” I said, gauging her reaction as I passed her desk. She waved me through without so much as a smile and I wondered what had gotten up her ass today.

  The entire ride here, my mind reeled with how I was going to explain my way out of this one. I knew I shouldn’t have walked away from my date, even if he did basically offer me up to Kelly himself. But with the way Kelly spoke to me, and how he couldn’t keep his eyes away, I was more attracted to him and his bad-boy nature than I was to my current date with the district attorney.

  I stuck my thumb through the strap on my handbag and started up the stairs. When I came to the exact spot Kelly insisted on getting in my way, I stopped, closed my eyes, and inhaled a couple deep breaths.

  It was like he was here. I could still smell his masculine scent and when I closed my eyes, I could see his strong jaw looking at me behind dark eyes, telling me to pick up his damn phone. I laughed to myself, how stupid it all was. No matter how pissed I was for him making me do something I didn’t want to do, I still couldn’t shake him out of my head. He’d gotten under my skin and had me right where he wanted me.

  My feet continued to march up the stairs and by the time I reached the floor, I opened the door to find Jerome perched in the doorframe of Madam’s office as usual. “Hey, big boy,” I said in my sultry voice, pushing my hips further out to the side as I stepped up to him.

  He grinned. “Hey.”

  “Can you smell it?” I looked to the side and tapped my finger o
n my bottom lip.

  He gave me a questioning look.

  I inched closer and leaned into him, letting his thick man thigh come between my legs. “Here, touch,” I said, lifting a leg and hooking it around the backside of his knee. He didn’t move, just kept his eye on me. Finally, I placed his heavy hand on my thigh and said, “You like?”

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  “I got all cleaned up—” my lips popped on the letter ‘p’, “—just for you.”

  He clucked his tongue and looked away, still smirking.

  “Smooth as butter.” I dropped my leg and stood on my toes so that my lips were close to his face. “I can show you if you want.”

  Jerome pushed me off just as I felt his manhood thicken in his pants. Naughty boy. “Madam is waiting.” He motioned me inside.

  “Maybe next time, dah-ling,” I said, imitating the Madam.

  I kicked off my heels, leaving them in front of the black leather couch in the waiting room that seemed to always be empty. I wondered if anyone actually used this room or if it was where Jerome hung out when he wasn’t expecting visitors. I couldn’t imagine his day was filled with that much activity other than standing around and protecting the Madam. He’d need a couch to twiddle his thumbs. It would be good for him.

  “You called?” I said, knocking lightly on Madam’s open office door.

  “Kendra, doll.” She lifted her head and looked in my direction. “Thank you for coming so quickly.” She took her eye glasses off her face and tucked a few papers away.

  I popped my bubble gum, glancing around her office, before falling into the corner of the loveseat and kicking my feet up. “When I’m called, I come.”

  Madam stood, rounded her desk, and rested her tailbone on the edge only a few feet from where I sat. Her eyes were cheery as normal until she crossed her arms over her chest. Then they lost their appeal and I knew things were about to get real. “Can I have Jerome get you some water?”

  I glanced through the door toward where I knew he’d be standing. I thought maybe I’d accept her offer even though I wasn’t at all thirsty. Just to keep Jerome thinking about me. But I decided against it. I’d see him on the way out. “No. I’m fine,” I said rolling my head back to Madam. “Look, I know what this is about.”

  The Madam arched a perfectly shaped brow.

  “And it wasn’t my fault. You know he ran into me here before the date?”

  Madam’s other brow lifted. “Oh?”

  “Like, literally hit me square in the jaw.” The Madam looked more amused than concerned. “You know who I’m talking about, right?”

  She gave me a knowing look.

  “Then he happens to be on the double date with the client you set me up with.” Madam didn’t say a word. She just stood there silently listening to me go on and on. And I had to admit, it felt good to just get it all off my chest. I hadn’t come up with a good excuse to how I was going to explain myself out of this one so I was left with just being myself. “So, whatever Kelly told you happened, it’s probably a lie.”

  “Are you finished?” the Madam said.

  I leaned back and let out a sigh, nodding. “Yeah. I’m done. For now.”

  Madam uncrossed her ankles, pushed off the edge of the desk and moved to stand in front of her window, looking down to the street below. “Actually, I haven’t spoken to Kelly.”

  My feet dropped to the floor. “You haven’t?”

  “It was Oscar who called me to let me know how the date went.” She twisted her spine to look me in my eyes. “Would you like to know what he said?”

  I could have sworn it would have been Kelly to bring me up to the Madam. That man had some nerve and made it clear that he wanted me. Then, I thought about the date and how Oscar and Kelly clearly had it out for each other. But it wasn’t like Kelly stealing me away made Oscar all that upset. Besides, he seemed more interested in Giselle than he did me. “Not really.”

  “I’ll tell you anyway.” She moved slowly in my direction. “Oscar said he’ll no longer be needing my services.”

  Confusion lined my face. “Wait. What did he mean by that? He’s breaking up with both of us, or just me?” I pointed at my chest.

  The Madam sat next to me, the cushions folding beneath her weight, and started tucking lose strands of hair behind my ear and over my shoulder. “Sweet darling, Kendra.” She smiled. “You need to relax.”

  “I’m relaxed.”

  She squeezed my shoulders and shook her head. “Now, you may have thought that I’d forget, but I didn’t. Alex played the same kind of games you’re trying to play with me now, and I just can’t allow it.”

  Now I was really confused. My body temperature rose and I wasn’t sure if I had to defend myself, just Alex, or stand up and fight for the both of us.

  “I have a reputation to maintain.” Madam’s voice was sincere and non-threatening.

  “I’m not playing games.” I inhaled a deep breath. “It’s not my fault. He wanted to dance, so I danced. I was just doing what I was told.” A deep breath did nothing to calm me. Instead, it empowered me to have extra courage when getting all I had to say out.

  “Which isn’t so easy for you, is it?”

  My blood pressure kicked up a notch and she was lucky I didn’t slap her. We were two hardheaded women who were used to getting what we wanted. And I would have really laid it into her, too, if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had her to thank for this gig. A job I was really enjoying. It was easy money. It was fun. And I was free. I’d be stupid to squash the opportunity I had working for the Madam over two men who clearly wanted to come between us only because they wanted to bone me. “You know I wouldn’t purposely jeopardize your reputation. I’m just trying to do what I’ve been told.”

  “I know, doll.” She petted my hair as if I was a lap dog. “And just so you’re aware, Kelly isn’t an option, so you can forget about him.” Her eyes darted across my face. “And, in fact, I need you to stay away from him.”

  My head pulled back as I searched her face for answers. “Didn’t you hear what I just told you? I didn’t know he was going to be there. If Oscar didn’t want Kelly to dance with me then he should have said so himself.”

  Madam stood and moved back behind her desk. “I can’t argue with you on that.” She looked up at me from beneath her brow. “But Kelly isn’t the man you think he is. Trust me, dear. I’m telling you this because I care.”

  The way she said it, like it was a warning, turned my blood cold. There was something definitely dark about Kelly, but I wouldn’t go as far as what I thought the Madam was implying—that he was dangerous.

  “I have a job for you.” She stood straight, her face brightening.

  I rubbed my hands together, excited for another date card.

  “However, it’s not what you think.”

  “Then what is it?” My shoulders slumped because I was thinking it had to be related to my next date.

  The Madam pulled a key out from somewhere on her desk, bent over and unlocked a drawer in her desk. I watched her shuffle some things around before pulling a blank orange envelope out from the back. “I need you to deliver this to a friend but only when I give you the go-ahead.”

  “What’s inside?” My eyes were glued to the envelope.

  The Madam headed straight for me, hugging the package tight to her chest like she didn’t want anyone to see it. “It’s none of your concern.”

  “Then what’s in it for me?”

  “More money.” She held it out for me to take it.

  I studied the sealed package. It seemed normal enough. Nothing out of the ordinary, and I couldn’t imagine there could be much inside. No big deal. “I have plenty of money. Don’t you have something else you could offer me?”

  She pulled the envelope back and looked at me sideways.

  I nodded, a glimmer of hope shining in my gaze.

  “Hold on to this,” she put the envelope out in front of my face, “don’t look inside,
and I’ll at least think about setting you up with Kelly.”

  “So that’s a yes?”

  “It’s a … wait until I call with further instructions.”

  “Good enough for me.” I shrugged and snatched the envelope away. Kelly Black wasn’t going to be an easy fish to snag, but with the right hook in place, it was only a matter of time before everyone agreed he would have to be mine.



  The moment he called, I knew I had to be the one who visited.

  The Madam put him up to this. She knew I hesitated in accepting her offer. I didn’t want it, wasn’t interested, and now she was pulling me further into her scheme I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a part of.

  I had no choice. I had to go. Because if it wasn’t me, it would be someone else and the decisions were too big for me to leave in the hands of anybody but me. I knew the law best, and besides, I needed to see with my own eyes what exactly the Madam meant when she said her business was growing.

  With Maxwell behind the wheel, he had me racing across town on our way to Emmanuel’s warehouse. It was important I got there before he and Madam decided I was too much of a risk to know what exactly was going on.

  My mind was too consumed with longing for the chance to make Kendra mine to notice the world outside.

  I needed to convince Madam that Kendra was meant for me. We were meant for each other. Why she was putting up a roadblock between us had my pulse racing to understand. Maybe my meeting with Emmanuel would make her see that I was still loyal to her, and in return she’d give me access to sweet Kendra.

  Maxwell pulled off the highway and turned onto the back roads.

  We went way back, the Madam and I. Even to this day, I remembered the first time I requested her services. It wasn’t long after that first date that she learned my profession and brought me on board to button up her business and act as representing counsel. Not that she needed it. She ran a tight operation that was mostly clean. But, sometimes, it was good to have me there just in case. Soon after, things took off and in return, she’d give me whatever I wanted—except this one request I had for Kendra.