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Black Desire (A Kelly Black Affair Book 1) Page 6
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Page 6
“Park there,” I said, reaching over Maxwell’s shoulder and pointing through the windshield. He agreed and I had the door open before the wheels stopped rolling. “Wait here. I shouldn’t be long,” I said, hitting the ground in a hurry.
The warehouse was desolate. It was quiet, no one around. I moved toward the entrance and caught sight of a plastic bag getting picked up by the wind. Each time my foot hit the pavement, it echoed off the high concrete walls and I couldn’t wait to get this over with.
I still couldn’t crack Madam’s interest in the Blake Stone case other than the fact that we all wanted to see him go down for what he’d brought to this city. Maybe that was just it. Hell, even I wanted to see him put away.
It wasn’t like I was oblivious to the Stone case. I’d read the articles that poured out after his arrest, kept up on the case files that were made available, and knew what he was up against. He should be easily convicted with what the state had on him, but maybe not for as long as I knew he should be.
That was what made Madam’s request interesting. I’d have to sabotage his trial without making it look obvious. I wasn’t even sure that I could do that. Never mind the damage I would knowingly inflict on my own career. I was in the business of winning cases and Blake Stone had to lose. Involving me in his trial would be the one factor to guarantee he paid for his crime.
It wouldn’t be as easy as it sounded and, frankly, I was more concerned with finding out who murdered Maria Greer than I was in representing Blake Stone, even if it meant putting him away for good. But with him in need of representation, it was our one chance to seal the deal and end him forever, saving LA in the process. I just wasn’t sure I wanted to be the one to do it.
I fisted my hand and knocked on the metal door with my knuckles. Without waiting for an answer, I pulled it open and stepped inside. “Emmanuel. It’s Kelly Black,” I announced.
A truck was parked in the bay and it was clear that a new shipment had arrived overnight. I’d been here before and swore to myself I never would be again. This wasn’t part of my job description and the Madam knew it. The place had negative energy and I didn’t like the feeling I got when coming here.
Emmanuel emerged from the back. “Mr. Black.” He smiled. “What a pleasant surprise.”
My head swiveled around as I continued heading in his direction. My gut was telling me that I wasn’t being told the complete story to what was actually going on but I wasn’t about to start asking questions, either.
“What did the Madam have to do to get you to come back?”
“You know her. She has ways to persuade,” I said without any kind of emotion attached to it. I just wanted to get in and get out before anyone knew I was even here.
He tossed his head back and laughed. “Isn’t that the truth?” He patted me on the back. “Come. This way.”
“Business is good, I see.” I peeked through a cracked door.
Emmanuel closed it as we passed as if not wanting me to see more than I already had. Which wasn’t much. Just a few people laying some boxes out on top of a table. I didn’t catch their faces and it was probably better that way.
“Yes, business is very good.” Emmanuel smiled proudly. “Women and their beauty products.” He laughed. “It’s almost too easy.”
If it wasn’t for my burning need to see it for myself, I would have told Madam to find someone else. But there were too many questions I had to not be suspicious of what she had up her sleeve. A small part of me doubted that all this was just the Madam funding Emmanuel’s growing business. The pieces of the puzzle were scattered on the table, I just hadn’t put them all together yet to see the bigger picture.
“Tell me, Mr. Black,” Emmanuel glanced behind his shoulder, locking eyes with me as he crossed the threshold into his back office, “what did she tempt you with? Women? She has herself a talented harem. Many beautiful women working for her now.”
“Something like that,” I said as I took in what he had hanging on his walls.
They were mostly empty except for a few framed photos of the first salon he opened. He had the first month’s paycheck framed like so many first-time business owners did, and alongside that hung a business certificate awarded by the mayor. It smelled of the hair products he sold, and industry magazines filled a corner of his desk.
“Please, sit. Let’s talk.” He spun the big light brown leather chair around and slid in behind his desk.
I pulled out the hard plastic chair opposite him, noticing how he appeared to get swallowed by his own chair. He looked smaller than when standing next to me just a moment ago and I couldn’t figure out why. “The Madam is curious to know if your new salon is open for business.”
“You saw for yourself on the way in. All that product outside will have to be sold somewhere.” He flashed a toothy grin, stealing a glance at the briefcase I set by my feet.
“I assume she’s contacted you about the reason I’m here.”
“She’s an active investor. I knew money was coming to me today.”
“And Madam was the one to tell you to give me a call?”
He nodded and smiled. I cursed the Madam for playing these games. Anybody could make this delivery. Why did it have to be me? Was it just to get me to work for what I wanted? Or was there something more than that?
I turned my attention back to Emmanuel. He steepled his hands beneath his chin, reeling through his own thoughts. “Mr. Black, tell me—” his eyes rolled to my face, “what is your record for getting your clients off?”
He shrugged. “I’m a curious man.”
“I’m the best there is.” My eyes narrowed. “And that’s all you need to know.”
He wagged his finger at me and chuckled. “The Madam speaks very highly of your work.”
“Well, let’s hope that you won’t have to hire my services. I’m not a cheap man.”
“I can imagine.” He leaned back and eyed me. “Now, tell me how much she sent you with today.”
“She didn’t tell you?”
“I’m afraid these matters are best discussed in person.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” I nodded and said, “One-hundred G’s.”
He turned his head toward the little window sucking sunlight into what would have otherwise been a very dark office and let out a heavy sigh. “It doesn’t seem enough, does it?”
“Six figures,” my tongue slid over my lip, wetting it, “a month is not enough?”
His head snapped over to me, his brows raised high enough to pinch his forehead. “Business is growing fast and it’s important I keep up with demand.”
“The Madam is willing to work with you on this. However, she’s going to need 10% of net profits. Can you handle that amount?” I could see him thinking, crunching the numbers. “So, are you in, or are you out?”
“I can handle that amount.” His grin spread to his ears. “I just don’t like the rate.”
My fingers played with the handle on the briefcase. “I see.”
Emmanuel rolled his gaze back toward the window. He was deep in thought and I didn’t let the silence filling the room get to me. My stomach clenched, knowing that that kind of money was a hell of a lot for what seemed like an otherwise typical small business. The details behind the curtain didn’t matter. Not today. All I cared about was getting this message delivered and getting back to convincing Madam to allow me to see Kendra. That was my goal and the only reason I was here in the first place. Ever since I bumped into her, it had been all about her—making Kendra mine.
“What is it?” I asked.
“It’s getting ugly out there,” he mumbled. “With Blake Stone waiting for a court date, rival factions are scurrying to claim his old turf.”
I leaned back, tugging my suit jacket, as Stone’s name was once again mentioned. It wasn’t worth telling him that Stone’s preliminary hearing had been set.
I pulled back slightly, cracking my knuckles, waiting to see where Emmanuel was go
ing to take this conversation.
Emmanuel turned to meet my gaze. “Stone’s loyalists are working to keep things the way they were.”
“What does this have to do with us?” My brows drew together. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? Was this what this meeting was about? Had the Madam fooled me into thinking it was something else?
“It will soon be a bloody mess on the streets, Mr. Black.” His voice was calm, somber even.
I didn’t like what I was hearing, but I also didn’t see how this related to the reason why I was here in the first place. “Why are you telling me this?”
He dropped his chin to his chest and started laughing. He rolled through a fit before finally settling down and saying, “New opportunities. A new game to play. I don’t know, maybe someday I’ll request your services and need you to do what you do best.”
“That’s not why I’m here, Emmanuel, and this isn’t how that works,” I said in a calm, unwavering voice.
His jaw set as we stared each other down.
“The Madam needs an answer today.” My fingers drummed on my thigh.
“And I’ll tell her when I know what it is.” He turned his head, nodding.
“Is that right?” I gave him a questioning look even though I knew we were both thinking the same thing. I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions or share any of my assumptions with someone I barely knew, but I saw it in his eye, the way his lines deepened across his face. The Madam could trust him with this, but his loyalty was with her, not me.
“You just tell the Madam she doesn’t have to worry about me. I’ll accept her offer and can start receiving the monies as early as next week.” He stood, moved to the door, and opened it before escorting me to the exit.
“Thank you for your time,” I said, leaving the warehouse, the briefcase heavy in my hand.
Emmanuel watched me slide into the back of my waiting car. I nodded to Maxwell and he started the engine and drove away with me reeling to make sense of what the hell just happened.
The Madam wanted me to convict Blake Stone through false representation. Emmanuel said the streets would be getting bloody as factions tried to fill Stone’s absence in the drug market. And, on top of that, I couldn’t help but think that the Madam might be the one to instigate this power struggle unfolding around us, playing me like a fool. With Stone out of the equation, there was a bounty of opportunity waiting for someone to take it.
I just wondered who that someone would be.
My head hit the back of the seat and I felt nauseas for thinking that I was being used—that Madam was only telling me half the story. Because the last thing I wanted was for me to get sucked into a quagmire I couldn’t get myself out of.
I reached inside my jacket and pulled my cell free. My thumb swiped over the screen, searching for Madam’s number. Once I found it I hit dial, and when she picked up she said, “Did the meeting go well?”
“Did you make him the same offer we discussed?”
“I did.”
“I need more.”
“Kelly—I will get you your client. Your firm will be compensated extremely well and I’ll help you in every way I can.”
“It’s not what I want. I could give a rat’s ass about Stone.” I sat up. “I want the girl.”
Silenced filled the line but I held out, knowing she was still there mulling over her options. “Fine,” she barked. “You can have Kendra.”
“Then we’re open for business.” I grinned. “Now don’t send me here again.”
“I’m not sure,” Alex said as she lightly shook the envelope next to her ear. “Is there even anything inside? It barely weighs a thing.”
“I just want to open it.” I stepped toward Alex, taking it back.
“Maybe it’s a note. Like one of her date cards.” Alex moved to one of the half-eaten cartons of Chinese food we’d ordered. Just like all the times before, we ordered far more than we could eat.
“It was in the way Madam said it.” I shook my head. “This is different.”
Alex scooped another bite and chomped at it as we tried to decipher what lay inside. With Nash away, she insisted I pick up food and bring it over to her apartment. Really, it was Nash’s place because he technically owned the building—including this penthouse—but whatever.
“So she didn’t say what it was, but she trusted you with holding and delivering it?”
“Pretty much.” I shrugged. “She had it locked away inside her desk drawer. I saw her pull it out. She used a key.”
“Do you think it’s dangerous?”
My brow wrinkled as I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking.
“Like, what’s that white powder terrorists send to politicians?” Alex’s tone was excited, like she was really getting this whole sleuthing business down.
“Anthrax?” I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, jutting my chin.
She snapped her fingers and pointed at me. “That’s the one!”
“I don’t think so,” I said, biting my fingernails.
When I couldn’t sit still any longer, I stood and began pacing the apartment. I really liked what she’d done with the place. Nash had given her the ultra-comfy couch as a housewarming gift, but all the plants and paintings she’d chosen herself. Alex had an eye for detail. I shouldn’t be surprised by that seeing as she was already well on her way to making a name for herself in the entertainment industry.
The next time I turned around, Alex was still diving into the carton of chicken cashew and I just had to know. “Is Nash making you pay rent yet?”
“He won’t let me.” She swallowed down a large bite, wiping her mouth. “He insists on taking care of me.”
I didn’t understand the whole paternal, fatherly thing these men had when it came to the women they loved. Like us women weren’t strong enough to take care of ourselves or something. Alex’s easy-going attitude must have overpowered her independent streak to let Nash get away with that. And, besides, she was always receiving gifts from him, so what did it matter? Maybe I was just clueless. Or jealous. Certainly one of the two, but I couldn’t decide which.
“In fact, he sent me a gift today.” Alex plopped the container down on the coffee table and said, “You have to see it.”
My tongue moved over the top of my teeth, picking out all the food left behind, as I nodded. Just as I was thinking. Another gift, and I was sure that Nash would have another one coming tomorrow.
Alex pranced back to the living room and came out with the most gorgeous lingerie set. “Look at this. Isn’t it amazing?”
“He’s brave,” I said, moving in her direction to get a better look. There was hardly any fabric there and what little there was, was see-through.
Alex looked down, staring at her new gift for a long second before glancing up and giving me a questioning look. “What do you mean by that?”
“What man would give his woman something like that when he knows he’s going to be out of town? Shit, woman. Even I’m getting wet imagining you wear that sexy-ass outfit.”
Alex looked down at her chest one more time, her face flushed. “He wants me to wear it when we video chat.”
My brows shot high on my head. “Will you?”
“I’ll do anything he asks.” She looked up at me with hooded lids, biting her bottom lip.
“Whatever you both need to get off.” I fell onto the couch, kicked my feet up, and stared at the ceiling, thinking more about this envelope. “Am I unknowingly getting myself involved in a criminal activity?”
“Madam wouldn’t do that, would she?”
“Do you think it’s possible, though?”
“Not too long ago I would have said, no. But now, after what happened to me—”
“You’re right. She has Jerome to do her dirty work. There’s nothing I should be worried about,” I said, not wanting Alex to have to relive what she’d gone t
hrough. And especially not while Nash was away. But of course it was possible the Madam was secretly involving me in something I shouldn’t be getting myself into.
“You’re just doing your job.” She set her new video chat outfit on the table and sat in the chair next to the couch.
“I’m now Madam’s little bitch.”
Alex snickered.
“No different than what I walked away from.” The backside of my hand came to rest on my forehead as I let out a heavy sigh. “And here I thought that this gig would be better than pushing papers defending unethical corporations who polluted the environment.” When Alex didn’t respond, I rolled to my side and found her staring at her little slut costume. “Argh. Really?”
“You know, I missed him so much last night,” her eyes were full of sparkle, “I just couldn’t help myself.”
I turned my head further to get a better look, knitting my brows.
She turned and met my gaze. Her cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red. “I played with my dildo last night,” she admitted. “I hadn’t done that since before I met Nash.”
“Good for you.” I rolled my eyes and plopped over onto my back again. “At least you’re getting off. Madam seems to be wanting me to revert back to being a virgin. There’s no way I can even think about fucking a dildo. Let alone a real penis.”
“It was fine,” Alex mumbled. “But nothing can replace Nash.”
I could only imagine. “I’m so horny I can barely sleep through the night.”
“What about that guy?” Alex dropped her feet to the floor and leaned so close to my head she was practically hovering over me. “The one you were telling me about.”
I brought my knees to my chest and flung them over the side of the couch until the pads of me feet rooted into the floor. “I’m working on him. Hey, did I tell you the Madam mentioned you by name today?”